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Try commitment to the children of Zambia

Try commitment to the children of Zambia

Almost within the Try to Aid initiative (, this time Try goes to the African continent to support Gli occhi della speranza (The Eyes of Hope) humanitarian organization.

Through Try to Aid, Try joins forces with Cesvi in an operation entirely devoted to supporting the children of Rio de Janeiro, one of the most rundown cities in the world, and, through the non-profit organization, Gli occhi della speranza, it now also contributes to helping the children of Zambia.

It helps them not only in a situation where poverty and the lack of education are just two of the most pressing problems, it also seeks to guarantee a future that will bring knowledge and new resources.

One of the many projects that Gli occhi della speranza has launched in Zambia is the creation of a laboratory where youngsters can learn a trade which will help them in the future: carpentry, sewing and dressmaking.

It is a way of taking action and penetrating the country through sustainable development initiatives that make use of local resources and aim to help beneficiary populations by making them increasingly autonomous and more in control of their lives.

One of the champions of these initiatives, president Carlo Landucci, recently discovered a way putting his own profession to good use in Africa. He set up two optical laboratories - the first at the St. Francis Mission in Solwezi (northern Zambia) and the second at the St. John Mission in Kitwe (central Zambia) - and for a considerable period hundreds of people traveled tens of kilometers on foot to have their eyes tested there. In exchange, everyone left a gift: small items in wood, toys, remnants of colored fabric.As part of this solidarity project, Try sent vision frames to Zambia to be given to anyone who needed them.
This is the umpteenth demonstration that solidarity is a constantly flowing stream. A stream that involves the fortunate as well as the less fortunate.And this is why the children also wear Try T-shirts with the words 'Just Try' or 'Try to Love', a gift that isn't just something to wear, it is also a message of solidarity to be shared.

Because help is never one-way. Because - as Gli occhi della speranza slogan says - Amare l'Africa significa amare la vita (Loving Africa means loving life).
