'Healthy Contact Lenses' program
Bausch&Lomb, the world leader for the production of contact lenses and solutions for their maintenance, started 2007 with an educational and training campaign to raise its customers' awareness about contact lens use and safety. Indeed, attention to the rules of hygiene and careful maintenance are the basic principles for protecting eye health over time. The 'Healthy Contact Lenses' program has begun at the specialist opticians' stores which have joined the initiative. Bausch&Lomb's mission is to promote the correct use of contact lenses through useful advice and practical suggestions that will help patients keep their sight healthy.
Patients can purchase the 'Healthy Contact Lenses' kit at their specialist stores and receive a free handy travel pouch and a lot of very useful advice.
The not-to-be-missed kit contains two 360ml bottles and one 120ml bottle of Renu MultiPlus, the single solution which eliminates residues and proteins, cleans, disinfects and moistens contact lenses; 3 lens holders; a valuable leaflet about the educational campaign and a pouch that opens up into a handy shopper.