'For sun and for vision no difference'
The new 'Persol sole vista' campaign put together by the OA Group S.p.A. in conjunction with Luxottica with Prontottica laboratories, is underway.
Persol will be the core of the co-marketing strategy aimed at satisfying the many consumers who wish to protect their eyes without renouncing the correction of visual defects and, above all, without missing out on the most fashionable models.
Hence the slogan thought up by the OA Group: 'for sun and for vision no difference'.
Thanks to the co-operation with the OA Group S.p.A.'s Prontottica laboratories, consumers will be able to request a 'Persol sole-vista' model, from May to October, 100% true to the original.
The Prontottica laboratory will also do the coloring and put the Persol logo on the upper right edge of the lens with a micro-incision created by laser ablation photos. The end result will be a Persol model for the sun and vision, 100% true to the original.
The campaign comes with special pop material for the sales outlets taking part.