Boomers Vision needs drive demand for specialized sunwear
With the growing popularity of laser vision correction, it's surprising thatmillions of Americans still wear prescription glasses. According to the Vision Council ofAmerica, about 62% of the population wears corrective eyeglasses. Not corrective contactlenses… actual prescription eyewear frames. That is approximately 187 million people!In fact, the Vision Council of America states that 37 million American adults say they are verylikely or extremely likely to purchase eyeglasses in the next six months. ʺMarketers are slowlywaking up,ʺ says Matt Thornhill, president of the Boomer Project, a Richmond (Va.) consultingfirm. ʺIf youʹre going to expand your business, you will have to market to the aging boomer.People used to replace their glasses every three to five years. Now, it's every one to two years.Forty‐two percent of Americans who wear glasses purchase a new pair every two yearsaccording to the Vision Council of America.
As Baby Boomers age, their demand for glasses and specialized eye services continue to increase.The highest percentages of eyeglass wearers are over 50 years of age. In fact, more than 75% ofpeople over 65 years of age wear prescription eyewear. Like most of the body's organs, the eyesdeteriorate as one ages. Thousands of Optometrists and Ophthalmologists across the countrydiagnose and assist in correcting the vision of the optically challenged. Millions and millions ofeyeglasses are dispensed every year, bringing life back in to focus for the majority of thepopulation. Problems solved? Not exactly.
We're all aware of the dangers of exposure to UV rays. The eyes are no exception. Prolongedexposure to harmful UV rays has been linked to serious eye diseases such as glaucoma. And thenthere is that annoying glare. Although not directly harmful, harsh glare can result in eyestrainand fatigue. Glare is everywhere, and left unchecked it can absolutely ruin the prettiest ofpictures. When driving, glare can lead to serious accidents.
For those of us who don't wear prescription eyewear, the solution is simple. Pop on a pair ofsunglasses. Harmful UV is blocked, and if the sunglasses are polarized… the glare disappears.But what do all the people who wear prescription eyeglasses do? They can't take off theirprescription glasses and wear conventional sunglasses. If they did… we'd see a dramaticincrease in driving and boating accidents! Approximately 10% of these people shell out bigbucks for prescription sunglasses or photochromic prescription eyewear (lenses that darkenwhen exposed to sunlight). Another 5% buy clip‐on sunglasses, a less expensive solution.For a small company nestled in San Luis Obispo, California, the remaining 85% of prescriptioneyeglass wearing Americans are their primary focus. (Pun intended)Live Eyewear makes special polarized sunglasses that can be worn over prescription eyewear.Their leading brand amongst the eyecare professional community are Cocoons®, a collection ofsix patented sunglasses that can fit over 99% of all prescription eyewear. The novel design ofCocoons actually delivers about 40% more protection than conventional sunglasses or clip‐ons, ata far more reasonable cost. Sold exclusively by eyecare professionals and better quality sportinggoods retailers, Cocoons can be found for about $45.
How popular are Cocoons with people who wear prescription eyeglasses? President of LiveEyewear, Kieran Hardy says things are really starting to heat up! 'Over the past five years,eyecare professionals have increased the number of Cocoons they dispense by more than 500%.More and more people are becoming aware of the convenience and performance of Cocoons.' Infact, five years ago, if you wanted to wear a pair of sunglasses over your prescription glasses, youmight have ended up resembling a visitor from outer space. Today, Live Eyewear offers a rangeof specialty sunglasses that are much more fashionable than the 'shield' style sunglasses ofyesterday. 'Our OveRx (over‐prescription) sunglasses aren't the type of thing you'd find in adrug store or discount department store. Our glasses are top quality, feature cutting edge lenstechnology and frame designs that incorporate features that not only increase comfort andperformance, but the lifespan of the product. We offer a wide range of styles, colors and lensoptions, all backed by a lifetime warranty,' continues Hardy.
You won't find Cocoons or any of Live Eyewear's products in a gas station or convenience store.However, it's well worth the trip to your local authorized dealer. And if you're not happy… LiveEyewear offer a money back guarantee. Hardy states, 'Once we figured out that we get aboutone unsatisfied customer out of six hundred…why not offer their money back if their notpleased?'