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NAU! at Legambiente IX National Conference

NAU! at Legambiente IX National Conference

December 2 through 4 at the Fiera del Levante in Bari, NAU! took part in the Legambiente IX National Conference, where it confirmed its commitment to saving the environment and took the opportunity to celebrate the achievement of UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Certification last July.

Obtaining ISO 14001 certification is the latest tangible sign of a precise choice by NAU!: to place respect for the environment at the center of its values.
Environmental certification defines the management system of a company that keeps its impact on the environment under control and makes systematic efforts to improve it in ways that are consistent, effective and sustainable.

On December 3, conference participants were invited by NAU! to launch its “Green” video message by wearing very special and really green eyeglasses. The video messages can be seen in the NAU! fan page on Facebook and YouTube.

In addition, on December 2 Legambiente set up the travelling exhibition “Bello, pulito, giusto il futuro è già qui” .[beautiful, clean, right, the future is already here]. The aim of the exhibition, which will tour Italy from end-2011 to 2012, is to show what Italy has done on the subject of sustainability. The exhibition is dedicated to the researchers, companies, designers and architects who are able to imagine a different future and have created or preserved objects for sustainable lifestyles. The exhibition includes the NAU! green collection, the first eyewear that is 82% recycled plastic.

“The collaboration with NAU! that began as a bet in 2007 is now a certainty”, stated Gianluca Della Campa, Legambiente marketing manager. “An innovative idea has led to a line of designer eyewear that combines fashion and respect for the environment and is perfectly in line with the Legambiente mission that NAU! shares. “The NAU! GREEN message?” Della Campa continued, “I’ll be the first to launch it!”.

“We are the first brand in our sector at European level to have obtained this certification and it is an objective recognition of our way of operating”, explained Fabrizio Brogi, president of NAU!. “We put passion, skill and respect for the environment into everything we do. We are aware, as we have always been and not just because it’s the fashion, of our responsibility for future generations and together with our customers we are committed to sustainable development that is tangible. For example, our eyewear is 82% recycled plastic and for every pair of recycled glasses we sell we make a contribution to Legambiente to support projects for protecting the environment. We have minimized the packaging for contact lenses and solutions and we use energy from renewable sources to light our stores. We also use recycled materials for furnishing the stores and for eyewear assembly and lens coloring we use only specialized companies that dispose of waste correctly. In general, we eliminate everything that is unnecessary for all our processes and we recycle everything that can be recycled. The result is obvious: less waste in the environment and fewer unnecessary costs”.

