Inottica: Fabio Patrizi is new General Manager
Inottica S.r.l. Board of Directors has announced the appointment of Fabio Patrizi as General Manager starting April 1, 2011.
Patrizi’s role will be to coordinate and optimize operating and planning activities for increased Inottica growth on the reference market.
He will be the driving force behind a team that has been consolidated for many years.
Fabio Patrizi, 56, boasts thirty years’ experience in the national and international optical sector.
In 1981, the new General Manager founded Fidia S.p.A., the world-wide licensee of the “Valentino” and “Oliver” brands, and, in 1990, Orama S.p.A., the licensee of the “GMV”, “Fendissime”, “Henry Cotton’s” and “Gerald Genta” brands.
In 1996, Marcolin (a reference company in the international eyewear sector) acquired Orama S.p.A., and Fabio Patrizi began his long and profitable experience with the Longarone-based company as Head of Marketing Services.
Inottica President Giuseppe Losapio commented: “I am very pleased about the appointment of Fabio Patrizi as the General Manager of our company. I am certain that as part of a company with huge potential for development, his experience and expertise in the sector will enable us to achieve important new goals”.