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Mario Casini is new president of AIO

Mario Casini is new president of AIO

"While awaiting the definition and approval of the new executive program, I can certainly reveal that our attention will focus on the professional optician”, stated Mario Casini, the new president of AIO, the Italian Association of Opticians. “We want to be an association of opticians, not of optical stores and, consistent with this mission, our ambition is to represent all opticians, even those who do not own a store”.

Casini takes over from Alessandro Spiezia, whom he thanked warmly for the dedication, commitment and attention he has devoted to the Association for nine years. The new president will be flanked by vice president, Paola Perron Cabus, and three directors, Stefano Bruzzese, Giuseppe Calvo and Nicoletta Monteverdi. A team whose aim is to work with all members of the sector, with no exceptions. “We will talk with the medical class because dialogue with ophthalmologists cannot be excluded for the defense and promotion of our sector”, Casini continued, “and we will make our voice heard thanks primarily to new technologies, the Internet and social networks that will create a direct link with citizens and consumers”.

Providing correct information is one of the objectives of the new presidency. “It is important that people know about the professionalism and skills of opticians. When they go to an outlet it is important that they know that the person behind the counter is capable of providing information about prevention and raising awareness about eyesight health and wellbeing that costs nothing for public institutions”, Casini underscored. “I like to think that opticians’ stores and, above all, the health professionals in them, to all effects and purposes protect the territory and give correct and useful information about eyesight and vision”.

This scenario includes collaboration with ANDOM, whose various member outlets employ over 2,000 opticians. “As ANDOM, our relationship with AIO is one of friendship that has continued for many years and with which we worked on a supply chain project promoted by the Belluno Chamber of Commerce in early 2000” explained ANDOM president Riccardo Perdomi. “We share the new AIO executive’s perspective, because only an association that aims to represent professional opticians can really represent and become a benchmark for the sector."

