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Help for Varanini optical center

Help for Varanini optical center

The recent wave of bad weather that devastated Liguria and Tuscany damaged at least 200 businesses according to the Confederazione Nazionale dell'Artigianato e della Piccola e Media Impresa (CNA – Italian confederation of crafts and SMEs).

Specifically, the Vision Wellness Club communicated that Centro Ottico VARANINI in Aulla suffered severe damage and the store was nearly destroyed by the torrent of water and mud that flooded the city.
Anyone who wishes to help can send a contribution to the following account.

Account holder: Ottica VARANINI Alberto & C Snc
IBAN: IT50O06 1106991 00000 80122080 (NB: the digit after IT50 is the letter O, not a zero)

Cassa Risparmio CARRARA S.p.A.
Via Roma, 188

Source: Vision Wellness Club

