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Certottica plans successful training with enterprises

Certottica plans successful training with enterprises

In this fragile economic scenario the Veneto Region is supporting enterprises by publishing two calls for financing training programs aimed at adopting anti-crisis strategies for such matters as lean production, new products development, new markets, internationalization, specialization and sales techniques.

One call is addressed exclusively to artisan enterprises – thanks also to an agreement with the Ente Bilaterale Artigianato Veneto (EBAV – the bilateral organization for the Veneto Region crafts) - and the other is open to all types of enterprises.
Possible programs are short-, medium- and long-term training courses that are totally financed and can be carried out both during and after working hours.

For artisan enterprises, training will focus on the continuity of competiveness, encouraging entrepreneurship and the development of new branches. For other enterprises, the focus will be on internationalization and the introduction of the “lean” concept with regard to procedures, products and organization.

Certottica is available for planning together with enterprises the most suitable training for every requirement and will follow the entire procedure from presenting the request to implementing training.

The closing date for presenting projects is November 29. For information, contact Certottica – Area Formazione – on +39 0437 573157 or at

