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Police couldn’t pass up on being in Facebook!

Police couldn’t pass up on being in Facebook!

Police, a young brand with a unique personality, couldn’t pass up on being in Facebook, the coolest social network of the moment. With a dedicated fans page in line with the new “Be Younique” communication, its aim is to provide information by creating direct communication between the lifestyle brand and its many fans with a link to the official website .

The website consists of a corporate section, with the company’s story and product news, and another, more creative, section, with photo albums of the campaign or new store openings, like the recent one in Ljubljana, and a curious “wearing Police” area for fans’ photos.

The page also has an interactive section, with backstage and product videos, and a “gift guide” with original ideas for a variety of special occasions like Christmas, Valentine’s Day and graduations.

Lastly, for the more trendy there’s a “sidebar” section with various product presentations and links to the Police website, so that users can enter the product section directly, connect to the store locator and see the collections of most interest.

