Training Agreement between Berlin and Philadelphia Schools of Optometry
Berlin's Technische Fachhochschule (THF Berlin) and the Pennsylvania College of Optometry (PCO) at Elkins Park near Philadelphia (USA), have decided to collaborate on a Master of Science in Clinical Optometry course. Lasting three semesters, the course is due to begin in October 2003. Already accredited in the USA, it should quickly achieve recognition also in Germany.
During the first two semesters there will be three weeks of tuition in Berlin, each followed by three weeks of work at home. The objective at this stage is to give students the basic theoretical tools which will then be put into practice in the field during the third semester in Philadelphia. This latter stage will take place over four consecutive weeks. Beginning in the first semester, and in parallel with tuition, research work will be prepared for presentation and discussion during the practical stage in the United States.
The subjects covered by the master's degree should therefore bridge the gap between the training received by opticians in Germany and that received by British optometrists. Whoever takes part in the course will therefore have a good command of all the subjects covered by the European Diploma.
(Source: Der Augenoptiker)