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Three Awards Totalling $65,000 for Eye Disease Research

Three Awards Totalling $65,000 for Eye Disease Research

A Fondation entirely devoted to support eye disease research The Eye Disease Foundation held a dinner-show and auction on November 12 at the Capitole de Québec to raise funds to benefit eye disease research. The event, co-chaired by Stephen Rosenhek and Mélanie Lau, owners of the Le Naturiste stores, allowed the organization to raise $75,000 and to announce the winners of three scholarships totaling $65,000.   Since the creation of the Foundation 34 years ago, $3 million has been given to research. Revenue collected during this fundraiser will help support eye disease research projects at universities in Quebec. The first scholarship is intended for the University of Montreal School of Optometry's project on patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The second will go to Dr. Vincent Pernet (St-Sacrement Hospital in Quebec city) and will serve as seed money for his work. The last is dedicated to St-Sacrement Hospital's University Centre of Ophthalmology, for ocular melanoma research and improvements to the quality of care for patients who are affected. Proceeds from the evening will also be used to fund prevention and awareness activities, such as the visual screening program "Participe pour voir" (Participate to see).   It is important to note that the Eye Disease Foundation is the only Quebec organization to dedicate its financial resources to research.   PHOTO From left to right : Steeve Lachance, director of the Foundation; Martial Gagné, president of the Foundation's board of directors; Mélanie Kau and Stephen Rosenhek, owners of the Le Naturiste stores; and Jean Castonguay, vice-president of the Foundation's board of directors.
