2013 edition of Design Your draws to positive end
"Feedback was satisfactory but we're already thinking about how to make the event even better" "The feedback from over 70 brands on display and about 400 visitors at Altamura on Sunday and Monday was satisfactory, as was participation in three educational and cultural events that took place during the two days. But we are already thinking about how to make the next edition even better" said the organizers of the event in Puglia. Dates, locations and contact with eye care professionals: these are the essential points that Sabino Bux, Michele Cassano and Costantino Gesualdo intend to review in order to give the next appointment with Design Your even greater depth. "Admissions were positive" – the organizers stated – "and we are looking into changing the date and place but, in any case, we want to find somewhere that is open and integrated, where the product speaks, where there are no stands and everyone has the same space, something that all the operators in attendance will appreciate and does make our initiative feel like a trade fair. In fact, this will continue to be the key point: the display of a new product and research is at the basis of Design Your, but it is also an integral part of an educational program which can't be excluded. Organized by Luisa Redaelli, education, subjects and culture will always be a fundamental and integral part of Design Your. So much so that the next edition could be open partly to consumers "in order to include the final user in the cycle of education and knowledge of a type of eyewear about which there is an ever-increasing "hunger" for information".