Luca Polinelli on Out of Mido Tv
"Having made incompleteness the completeness of The Quiet Before, our claim will be Out Of." During Out of Mido we met Luca Polinelli for The Quiet Before. "I believe that design, craftsmanship and innovation are the pivots around which every successful product rotates and in effect it's not so difficult to make them cohabit" Luca explained. "It is a mental attitude: not to be satisfied with a good product, a product that is well made or technologically advanced, but to demand these three characteristics in the same product". Eyewear has an atypical position that is half way between design and fashion and I think that successful eyewear must take this hybrid position into consideration". What makes eyewear successful? "I am a huge supporter of special shapes, generous sizes and details, but we must always bear in mind that it is worn on the face and can be called design and successful only when it is capable of enhancing that face and not hide it or put it in the background". To be Out Of for The Quiet Before? "Having made incompleteness the completeness of our brand, our claim will be Out Of".