Xray Eyewear launches new campaign
"When everyone is unique, be ordinary" is the slogan for letting normality shine through in a world where everyone wants to be special Xray Eyewear is a brand that was launched with the intention of experiencing eyewear as a really trendy accessory to combine with your look and mood of the moment. Xray Eyewear - models in which a spirited, witty attitude and colors play leading roles. The Xray Eyewear image was recently re-launched in an ultra-new campaign that introduces a highly original slogan, "When everyone is unique, be ordinary", in a world where everyone wants to be trendy at all costs. The slogan for the Xray Eyewear campaign, "When everyone is unique, be ordinary", is a simple, extremely clear message and this is why it is successful. But it is a message that is also provocative, out of the box and, subconsciously, perhaps also wise. The slogan suggests letting our normality shine through in a world where practically everyone tries to be "special and unique" at all costs. But real originality lies in the very personal normality that is in all of us. A successful slogan and keen attention to new media are what make Xray Eyewear a brand that is, primarily, young, modern, interesting and, above all, has something to say. Contemporary but timeless models and excellent communication will take it far.