“Social” debut od Mido365
During the show, real time news in the form of posts and tweets! Message boards, posts, tags, likes, status, tweets, followers: if you aren't familiar with these words, you're "out"! In 21st century society, in the era of bytes, internet, iPads, iPhones and smartphones, everything moves quickly, especially information. Social networks are an essential tool in the battle to get your name out there... In a parallel life dimension and also, a parallel market. More and more frequently, firms in the international Eyewear industry use their Facebook and Twitter profiles to tell the world about them and their news in a less formal manner, one that is especially useful, due to the speed with which messages travel to thousands of interested people. Mido, through its Mido365 portal, could do no less! Www.Mido365.com has been the constant companion of the world of eyewear, initially under the name Eyesway, and now through social networks. In fact, it has decided to get "on board" with Twitter and on Facebook where news posted to the portal can be read in real time. And, during Mido, from March 11 to 13 2012, it will also ensure coverage of the trade show, with ideas and exclusives, with posts and tweets directly from the Pavilions of Fieramilano Rho-Pero where the exhibition is taking place. Don't miss out, just go to our Facebook fanpage - www.facebook.com/redazionemido365 - and click on LIKE US, or look for Mido365 on Twitter, and become a follower. This is the only way participants will be able to get all the news and be the first to know in which direction the industry is moving, and what the key players in international Eyewear are saying, thanks to many global agreements that only Mido365 can claim among the online industry-specific news publications. For years, Mido365.com has set the standard for the eyewear sector in Italy and around the world. And, to present the 2012 Mido event in the best possible manner, a few weeks ago it underwent a complete makeover, in order to offer the public and industry professionals an information tool that is consistently cutting edge and increasingly customizable. News, fashion, health, word from the associations, and much more, thanks to the new dynamic categories and the powerful search engine that, in just seconds, lets users find what they are looking for, from among more than 21,000 articles published in more than 10 years of activity. Once the articles have been found, they can be saved in a personal archive. This service is absolutely free of charge, and makes it possible to save all the articles you're interested in so you always have them as close as a click, and be able to re-read them whenever you want. Interactive News is more appealing and engaging. In fact, the multimedia content in the news area has been expanded, and is updated daily with photo galleries and videos. To help you stay on top of those important dates and appointments, we've come up with a new interactive calendar. A real multimedia calendar where you can find the leading domestic and international industry events, and, with just a few clicks, share them with colleagues, friends, or on your Facebook message board. And finally, the system's pride and joy is the daily Newsletter that reaches a public of nearly 46,000 readers around the world. For those of you who are always on the go, the web portal can be accessed from your latest generation smart phone or blackberry. Just connect to www.mido365.com from your cell phone to read the latest news in real time and navigate the myriad possibilities available, without any limitations, and with image resolution optimized for small screens. Thanks to the new functions and the eye-catching and totally revamped graphic interface, www.mido365.com is the natural broadcasting system for information about the world of optics and eyewear in Italy and around the globe, thanks to the portal in two languages and the Italian and international newsletters developed in cooperation with key foreign partners from countries around the world. A unique and incomparable service, available 24/7, to give industry firms and professionals a real showcase where they can meet, stay informed, and promote themselves across all borders.