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The Art of Transitions: photochromic technology told by Felice Limosani

The Art of Transitions: photochromic technology told by Felice Limosani

Tiziana Signore: "The idea sprang from the intention to create a moment for reflecting on the transition concept" "The art of Transitions" was the title of an event that characterized the arrival of summer for Transitions. Everything revolved around a video installation, a highly imaginative story about photochromic technology. But what led up to the idea for an event that could be described as "alternative"? We put the question to Tiziana Signore, Trade Marketing Manager Italia for the American brand.   "The idea – she explained – sprang from the intention to create a moment for reflecting on the 'transition' concept that Transitions has been working on for over 20 years. This led to the search for an artist who could envisage and create something inspired by luminous dynamism that would be a real perception and sensory experience for the observer. We wanted to combine the unconventional story of photochromic technology with direct experience of the product: an important element for putting across the benefits, comfort and perfect vision guaranteed by the entire family of Transitions® dynamic lenses".   - Felice Limosani is a successful artist in his field. Why did you choose him specifically? Did you see some particular bond with your company?   "Felice Limosani is now one of the most well-known 'digital storytellers' in the world. His innate ability to translate unconventional concepts into images seemed to us to be perfect for describing and putting across the characteristics of our dynamic lenses that darken or lighten depending on the level of light and constantly adapt to the lifestyle of the wearer. What's more, both Limosani and Transitions approach technology in a way that is, if I may say so, "alive" in order to create works and products that identify with reality and meet the needs of the observer/consumer. The artist is in fact a genius at telling digital stories through totally new luminous creations; at Transitions we have always been committed to developing a technology that meets the needs of anyone who decides to use our dynamic lenses".   - What does Limosani say about it? Can you describes the stages that inspired you to create this work that is in some ways extraordinary?   "Frequently, innovative technological products – Felice Limosani commented – are inspired by nature. These extraordinary lenses are among them, because they adapt continually and smoothly: a unique characteristic that inspired me and provided the stimulus to reflect on a very topical subject. Nature, like people, never stops, it is in a permanent state of gradual transition. It is never impetuous: whether from good to better or from bad to worse, all eras were and will be in transition. In my opinion, the same is true for our society. Now more than ever, we must learn to adapt, to have a flexible and intelligent approach to life and be open to a changing world, without preconceptions. We observe nature: transition is an art".   - Returning to Tiziana Signore. This project accompanies the presentation of new products. Can you give us a brief overview of the new developments for Transitions?   "Transitions Optical – she answered – is a photochromic technology pioneer and the only company that can offer a range of dynamic lenses for daily use and for sunlight, with different solutions for different needs and lifestyles. A record that has been confirmed again this year with the introduction to the Italian market of two important developments: the new Transitions® XTRActive™ daily dynamic lenses and the partnership with Nike Max Transitions®. Unlike Transitions lenses that are totally neutral indoors, Transitions® XTRActive™ have a pleasing tint at the neutral stage but achieve a high level of darkness outdoors. Another new development is that XTRActive™ lenses are activated not only in the presence of UV rays, like Transitions, but also in visible light and, therefore, through a vehicle windshield. A combination of characteristics derived from the new technology patented by Transitions Optical, which satisfy the every-growing needs of people who spend a lot of time outdoors and in a car". "The second new development at Transitions Optical – Tiziana Signore added – is the arrival of the first Transitions® dynamic sun lenses in two colors – green and purple. A product that once again makes us one of the most leading-edge companies in the world for finding innovative solutions for lenses. The new lenses will be launched together with the excellent partner with which we made Nike MAX Transitions® sunglasses. The aim? To offer the public the ideal vision accessory for outdoor activities and sports such as golf, trekking and trail running".   - To go back to the event, have you considered telling and spreading the story of photochromic technology by holding the event in several places? "The event format began this year in Milan, Italy, and its success exceeded all our expectations. But we haven't thought about taking it to other countries after the Milan premiere. For the time being, we want to enjoy the success of an initiative that wanted to focus totally on an experience for people who wear Transitions® dynamic lenses".   - Let's leave this world of images and metaphors and talk about the realities of the market. How is it reacting to the new developments you presented at Mido 2012? "The market responds to our products with increasing rapidity. Suffice it to say that in 2011 brand awareness in Italy was 59%. An excellent result achieved thanks to a corporate strategy that for over 20 years has provided for 60% of our annual billings to be invested in technology, which also means that we can boast a Research and Development division composed of 89 scientists who are always working on finding new solutions to put on the market. The result? Over 96% of users of Transitions dynamic lenses declare that they are satisfied with the performance of our products".
