The 38th ADOO conference ended yesterday
Three days of discussions about "Innovating, collaborating, communicating: dialogue and meetings for eye health professionals" Yesterday saw the close of the 38th National Conference of the Roll of Optometrists, organized in collaboration with Federottica, the Italian Federation of Optometrists. Taking part in the three days in Stresa were over 500 optometrists who discussed such subjects as correct vision from a scientific and economic point of view and the importance of the sector's multidisciplinary character. The importance of the optometry profession was also confirmed by the prestigious participation of Prof. Renato Balduzzi of the Ministry of Health. During the cocktail reception on Saturday, he confirmed his intention to review the dossier in the light of considering the request for a precise definition of the optometry profession that has been awaited for 90 years. It is an important opening up of dialog about an issue that Federottica and the Roll have been urging for many years. In addition to important scientific subjects, the assembly discussed the economic crisis and analyzed its impact on the sector. On Saturday afternoon, an important round table involved all the heads of the various associations in the optical chain. Moderated by Sebastiano Barisoni, Radio24 news editor-in-chief, it was introduced with an analysis by opinion leader and financial journalist Oscar Giannino, who identified the State's increasing fiscal demands as one of the main causes of the current recession. The wide-ranging debate also brought to light a shared desire to create a system for overcoming the crisis. Starting from this viewpoint and an economic analysis of the sector, the representatives of the various categories declared that they were willing to meet for the common good. Another factor that emerged was the will to be united in order to overcome the difficult moment and understand the needs, positions and problems of the various parts of the chain. Above all, the importance of continued investment in research was also reiterated. It was precisely research, scientific education and the continual investigation of subjects linked to the sector and the profession that were the central themes of the conference in Stresa. Important new developments and scientific investigations also emerged at a conference that every year brings optometrists and ophthalmologists from all over Italy. A prestigious list of speakers of national and international renown talked in depth about the cornerstones of the profession: contactology, low vision, general optometry, pediatric optometry, vision in sport, and many more. The welcome by Federottica president Giulio Velati on Sunday morning was followed by a succession of important national and international talks about eyesight defects. In her talk, Donna Power, OGS Regional Manager Europe, said that 670 million people have defective vision. A problem that still involves a vast section of the world's population, despite the 10% reduction in blindness (out of a population increase of 18%). It has been estimated that 80% of blindness is avoidable. The figures speak clearly just as it is equally clear that the contribution made by the skills of the optometry profession is increasingly indispensable for achieving OGS' goals. Power also thanked the Roll of Optometrists and its president, Rossella Fonte, for their important collaboration and commitment to implementing various international and national projects aimed at improving problems associated with these dysfunctions and at contributing to continuing education for optometrists. Another interesting aspect that emerged from the Conference was that the majority of refractive errors can be avoided with early diagnosis, more frequent checks and the use of appropriate eyeglasses. Based on the figures, it can be estimated that the reduction in eyesight problems will be even greater as time goes by. These considerations have always filled the agendas and programs of the Roll of Optometrists and Federottica. "Our profession has always endeavored to find solutions that could reduce eyesight problems and thereby improve the life of our ametropic patients" commented Federottica president Giulio Velati. "Over the years, important social initiatives have been undertaken, such as Bimbovisione, Visione nello Sport and continual scientific and educational courses for optometrists. Initiatives that have all been implemented and managed by the Roll of Optometrists." "This year's conference has given our optometrists the chance to devote three whole days to reports with high scientific content, to exchange information with colleagues, companies in the sector, and seek innovative and useful solutions that will overcome problems associated with eyesight and vision in general" said Rossella Fonte, president of the Roll of Optometrist, "initiatives that are part of our DNA and which will continue."