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Shooting with the Maestro: all the Eros of Araki

Shooting with the Maestro: all the Eros of Araki

David Pellicer, the owner of Etnia Barcellona, tells us what went on behind the scenes at the new campaign photo shoot with the Japanese maestro Waiting for the new campaign for the spring/summer 2013 collection, the following is the entire Vanity Fair On Line interview with David Pellicer, who talked about the behind-the-scenes activities at the photo shoot with Japanese maestro Araki   "How did you convince Araki to take the photographs for you? «Araki has a very particular character. We sent him a selection of products and what appealed to him was the color; his answer was simply an email in which he fixed the date for the shoot. But at that point I had to answer that it would be impossible to have the eyewear by that date.»   What did he say? «Nothing. There was total silence. A week later I wrote to him again, hoping to find a solution, and he replied with the same date he had fixed in his first email. So I jumped on a plane to Tokyo. That's the way he works, he does what he wants, he wasn't even briefed. But that's Araki, he needs total freedom to express himself.»   What was it like working with him? «It was an awesome experience; he is an awesome person. He conveys his unique strength, especially when you consider that he is 72, and he fills every room with energy. When he arrives, the first thing he does is to walk round and round with his three cameras, then he undresses the model and the shooting begins. But he never stops, he is capable of picking up a brush and painting the shirt you're wearing, he has no restraints, he is an artist. When he has finished, he changes into a T-shirt with the words Araki number one and goes into the street, where people stop him, ask for his autograph, cheer him.»   Aren't you afraid that some shots are a bit strong? «No, we're not afraid. Etnia has always been a free brand, free to create a format of its own, free to make the same model in 46 different colors; using Araki is a statement of our total freedom because he is absolutely autonomous when he creates, he doesn't worry about what people think and we liked that a lot.»   In any case, by choosing him you also chose an image with strong erotic connotations. Is this intended to be a special message? «We chose Araki because he is a great artist. Etnia Barcellona has always worked with exceptional talents and this is what it represents more than the content of the visuals or their erotic flavor. Araki breaks the mold, just like the brand. He interpreted the collection perfectly, he understood exactly that it is a brand that focuses on color, which is our trademark, and backed up our DNA with visuals that range from kimonos to lipstick, elements that blend perfectly with our eyewear.»   What is different about Etnia Barcellona, what is its strength? «Focus on color first and foremost: every model comes in 46 variations, all obviously vibrant. Then comes very high product quality, with meticulous attention to detail. Technologically speaking, our eyewear is avant-garde and the most advanced from a technical viewpoint. This is very important for us: my family has been making eyewear for three generations and we want to offer our customers a product that is perfect, but also affordable. And we can do it because we make everything at the family company which is headed by my father.»"   Source: Vanity Fair On Line
