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Patrick Hoet: our strenght? Timeless models

Patrick Hoet: our strenght? Timeless models

The Belgian optician: "the so-called crisis exists merely in the minds of buyers" Patrick Hoet is one of the most significant names in the international eyewear panorama. And he is someone who doesn't change his mind easily. Last year at Mido, he told us that the crisis could have a beneficial effect, with the elimination of less stable companies and the creation of better conditions for those that stay in the saddle. Twelve months later, he reiterated the concept: "Crisis – if there is one- strikes the weakest players and give opportunities for the strong players". And even underscored it: "The so-called crisis exists merely in the minds of the buyers". However, some problems are inevitable: "I guess that, in general, turnover will be lower".   In any case it is necessary to look ahead. What will your key proposals be at the trade fair 2012? "Timeless design, Exclusivity, Quality. The same as on previous shows".   But are you focusing your expectations on a specific model? "No. In our collection, timeless as it is, some of the older frames (7 years) are still bestsellers".   Your fashion nuance for this year. "We hate fashion. It is too dictating. If you talk about trends: I think we had the best of the retro-trend".   And your key word for 2012 that begins with Mido? "Nervous".