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UV index forecast In this area, Mido 365 provides you with the daily weather and UV Index forecasts. In order to find the UV Index for your hometown or next destination, click on the nearest area on the map or select your nation and city from those listed. The UV Index is a solar ultra-violet radiation measurement system that links the degree of exposure to UV radiation to the level of risk to our eyes and skin. UV rays, in fact, can damage the structure of your eyes (cornea, lens capsule, and retina) and so these structures must be sufficiently protected.  Sunglasses are classified as personal safety gear (PSG) and are more than just fashion accessories. Sunglasses that comply with Standards EN 1836 that regulate the production and sale of sunglasses and lenses in the E.U. must satisfy specific requisites. ULTRAVIOLET RAYS 1- What do we need to know about ultraviolet rays? Ultraviolet rays always penetrate the atmosphere, even on cloudy days, when even if their intensity seems less it does not mean that we are less exposed to harm. Sometimes clouds even serve as reflecting surfaces to increase the diffusion of the light and consequently UV levels as well. The higher the sun is in the sky, the greater the level of UV radiation is. This means that the UV intensity level can change during the day depending on the sun's position. At high noon, for example, UV radiation is particularly intense. As a result, in those areas of the world where the sun's rays often strike the earth perpendicularly such as the equator, for example, UV radiation is even more intense. The higher you go, the less capable the atmosphere is of absorbing UV radiation. Every 1000 meters higher we climb in the mountains increases the UV radiation we absorb by 10-12%. UV radiation can be further increased when reflected or diffused by a surface: snow reflects 80% of the radiation that strikes it and sand reflects 20%, while the water at the edge of the beach reflects 25%! Remember: UV radiation passes through clouds. UV radiation increases when reflected by snow, water and sand. UV radiation increases the higher you climb. UV radiation intensity varies with the height of the sun above the horizon. 2- The interest the authorities have taken in the problem Did you know that: a European Commission entitled COST 713 has been expressly created to study the subject, and that its spokesman in Italy is the NRC (National Research Council)? the risks posed by UV radiation is the subject of one of the most important public awareness campaigns conducted by the World Health Organisation? in some nations, such as the United States and Australia, the risk is considered so great that warning signs are sometimes posted on the beaches advising people to adopt adequate protection?   THE DAMAGES CAUSED BY UV RADIATION 1- What risks do we run when we expose ourselves to ultraviolet rays? In addition to the more commonly-known negative effects caused to the skin, UV radiation also attacks our eyes in three different ways: first by the infrared rays, then by the UV rays, and lastly by the reflection on snow, sand or the surface of the water. Because clouds and haze do not screen out all solar rays, the eyes must always be protected by sunglasses and people have to learn to recognise the signs of the most frequent disturbances. The eyes protect themselves from the light automatically by a natural gesture: when we are momentarily blinded, we instinctively close our eyelids. This is not enough, however. How often have we come home with red eyes after a day's sun-bathing? Our eyes burn, and sometimes we can't even keep them open. Yet these are only slight burns to the eye, like the sunburn on our skin, and are often curable and temporary, but if we expose our eyes constantly to the sun without protection, these slight, temporary burns can accumulate and create much more serious problems. 2- Problems caused by solar radiation Many oculists around the world are currently studying the effects of UV radiation on the eyes. We cite the words of Prof. R. Young, one of the leading experts on the subject: "The discovery of the risk posed to the eyes by solar radiation is one of the greatest research results obtained in the field of ophthalmology, and promises to guarantee that better protection for our vision is provided thanks to the application of the best type of medicine of all: preventive medicine. The good news is that protection can be provided against these devastating illnesses without compromising normal vision merely by wearing the right type of sunglasses." Always wearing sunglasses is a quick and sure way to avoid this damage. Dry eye The most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome are burning, the sensation of having a foreign object in the eye, photophobia, difficulty in opening the eyelids upon awakening, and in more serious cases, pain and foggy vision. The heat and the sun can both cause dryness in the eye: infrared radiation or strong winds heat up and sometimes even burn the eyelids and quickly evaporate the lachrymal film, or in other words, the protective veil that covers the cornea and provides a natural form of protection for the eye. Sometimes although the eyes tear continuously, the lachrymal liquid evaporates just as rapidly, leaving the cornea exposed to external agents Keratitis Intense pain and difficulty in opening the eyes (which feel like they're filled with sand) are the symptoms of keratitis, which afflicts people who spend long hours in the sun on the beach without adequate eye protection especially. Fixed, prolonged exposure heats up and completely dries the eye and causes serious problems to the epithelial cells. In the most annoying cases, the eyes must be kept closed and bandaged for at least two or three days. Conjunctivitis Puffy, red eyes that burn and itch are the signs of conjunctivitis, which can also be caused by exposure to strong winds. Conjunctivitis usually goes away in a few days, but it must be cured right from the appearance of the first symptoms because if a bacterial infection sets in, the disturbance will last much longer and be harder to treat as a result. The most serious damage: cataract and carcinoma People talk about cataract all the time, which is, in fact, the world's leading cause of blindness. Cataract is always associated with advancing age, but the other factors behind the acceleration and development of cataract are undoubtedly the exposure to the sun and UV radiation. In addition to causing ageing at the corners of the eyes, exposure to solar radiation can be especially harmful in this particular area and promotes the appearance carcinoma. Our faces are continuously exposed to the light of the sun, not only during the summer, and the skin around the eyes is particularly fine and delicate. Special attention for children! Children are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV radiation. In children, the capsule of the lens, or in other words, the eye's internal "lens" that permits is to focus our eyes, continues forming until 12 years of age, and for this reason the areas around the corners of our children's eyes are not only particularly delicate but can also quickly suffer serious burns. The youngest children must not be exposed to direct sunlight for too long, and in addition to wearing a good pair of sunglasses, they must also be protected by a hat with a visor. HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF In order to prevent discomfort and damage to the eyes caused by ultraviolet radiation, the key word is prevention. In the same way that we protect our skin with appropriate sunscreens, it is also fundamentally important to protect our eyes using adequate lenses. High-quality sunglasses are an excellent means of protection, and not just important fashion accessories. Which sunglasses provide the right protection? 1.1 Regulation sunglasses In Europe, sunglasses are considered a part of PSG or Personal Safety Gear, and as such must be produced by respecting the fundamental criteria prescribed in European Standards EN 1836/1997 developed from Directives 89/686/EEC and 93/95/EC that regulate the production and sale of sunglasses and their lenses in the European Union and integrated into Italian law by Legislative Decrees 475/92 dated 04-12-92 and 10/97 dated 02-01-97. In order to comply with the requisites specified in EN 1836/1997, sunglasses must pass the compulsory conformity tests for general use. Among other things, these tests certify the presence of the accompanying data sheet and the characteristics of the lenses in order to guarantee that they effectively filter UV radiation. After the sunglasses pass these EU conformity tests, they receive the EC mark, and only sunglasses bearing the EC mark can be sold in Europe. We will first consider the latter topic before clarifying the importance of both the explanatory note and UV filtration. 1. 2 The EC mark First of all, the EC mark guarantees the wearer that the article complies with the standards and regulations in force. The mark must be applied indelibly, visibly and legibly. Whenever this is not possible, the mark can be applied to the packaging. The EC mark can never be applied on an adhesive sticker, for example. 1.3 The explanatory note The explanatory note must accompany every single pair of sunglasses because it helps the wearer make the right use of the article, while also providing an additional element of guarantee because it provides the manufacturer's or distributor's identification data. The explanatory note must also provide the following information: instructions for the use, cleaning and maintenance of the PSG, the technical characteristics and the degree of protection with reference to the standards prescribed by law, the limits to use, and warnings necessary and lastly, the accessories that can be used with the article. UV filtration 2.1 Protecting yourself against UV A pair of sunglasses bearing the EC mark certifying conformity to European standards is a pair of sunglasses guaranteed to provide the eyes with adequate protection, and for this reason can be safely indicated for the filtration of UV radiation. In some cases however, even greater protection is required. As mentioned before, at high altitudes or wherever strong reflection of sunlight is present, UV radiation increases. For this reason, whenever we're walking along the water's edge, on the sand, in a boat, in the mountains, on the snow or a lake, our eyes require greater protection. In these cases, the additional protection provided by lenses of up to 400 nm thick is recommended to meet the challenge posed by particularly strong UV radiation. 2.2 Filter categories The explanatory note that comes with the pair of sunglasses also lists the category of the lens and contains instructions for use. This means that any pair of sunglasses acquired is indicated for only some but not all uses. In other words, there is a different pair of sunglasses for each situation. The quantity of light that reaches the eye can be modulated and filtered by lenses that offer different degrees of light transmission ands therefore different uses. The degree of light transmission of a lens represents its capacity to diminish to greater or lesser degree the quantity of light that reaches the eye, and this suggests the most appropriate use under each condition of solar irradiation. At the seaside, for example, a Category 3 filter can be used, while Category 2 filters are sufficient for driving or city use. Under extreme light conditions, such as in the mountains, a Category 4 filter is required. Filter categories: CATEGORYUSELIMITS0Indoors, cloudy skiesNone1Weak sunlightNot recommended for driving (and road use in general) after dark.2Medium sunlight; hazy skies such as in big cities Not recommended for driving (and road use in general) after dark.3Strong sunlight: general mountain and sea useNot recommended for driving (and road use in general) after dark.4Extreme sunlight: high mountain and water sports useNot recommended for driving (and road use in general) because it falsifies colour. IMPORTANT:a dark lens does not necessarily always provide complete protection! Make sure to check the quality and origin of the pair of sunglasses to make sure it guarantees the right protection. Suggestions for correct protection provided by W.H.O. Per evitare i disagi e i danni degli occhi provocati dalle radiazioni ultraviolette è importante prevenire. Così come proteggiamo la nostra pelle con creme adatte, è fondamentale proteggere i nostri occhi con le lenti adeguate. Gli occhiali da sole di qualità, oltre ad essere un importante accessorio di Moda sono un ottimo strumento di protezione. Exposure to sunlight can hurt your eyes, increase the risk of skin tumour and prematurely age your skin. Wear dark sunglasses, a hat and protective clothing, and apply sunscreen to all exposed parts of the body. Leaving for a vacation in the sun? Don't forget your hat, a good pair of sunglasses and sunscreen! Remember that even if you don't feel the heat of the rays they can be harmful just the same because the damage is caused by the ultraviolet radiation that you cannot see of feel. Don't be misled by the mild temperature and protect your eyes. Altitude and snow can double the exposure to UV, so wear the right sunglasses and sunscreen. Protect your child and remember that his or her eyes and skin are particularly delicate up to the age of 15. Provide the necessary protection with sunglasses, a hat and a T-shirt. Provide the right example by also taking the same measures yourself. Remember that infants less than 1 year old should never be exposed to direct sunlight. A cloudy sky can also cause sunburn because UV radiation passes through the clouds. Never forget your protective eyewear when you step outside! A suntan does not stop UV radiation from penetrating, and so even after you've gotten your tan keep on protecting and limit your exposure during the hottest hours of the day. Remember that applying sunscreen and wearing a good pair of sunglasses does not mean that you can prolong your exposure to the sun for as long as you want, it only means that your risk of damage has been lowered. Some medicines and even perfumes and/or deodorants can increase the sensitivity of your skin and make sunburn easier. Stay in the shade during the hottest hours of the day when the sun strikes hardest. This will help protect you. THE UV INDEX The UV Index (UVI) describes the level of UV radiation on earth. The scale of values ranges from zero on up: the higher the index value, the more intense the quantity of UV radiation striking the earth is, and therefore the shorter the time required to damage the eyes and the skin will be. Why was the UV Index created? The increase of cases of damage caused to the eyes and skin by the exposure to ultraviolet rays required greater awareness of methods for protection. The UV Index is an important instrument that promotes greater public awareness of the risks caused by excessive exposure to the sun in general, and especially the cumulative risks, such as damage to the eyes, the skin, and the immunity system. The UV Index was also created to both stimulate the adoption of adequate protective measures and contribute to changing people's behaviour and habits in regard to the sun. How does the UV Index work? Ultraviolet radiation levels change during the day and therefore the UV Index also changes. Given that these are forecasts, the UV Index notice always refers to the index value forecasted for the next day. The World Health Organisation and Cost 713 have worked together to standardise the UV Index presentation and calculation parameters. The skin type Definition of skin types in the European population Type of skinColour of eyesColour of hairTanningBurningIBlueRedNeverSometimesIIBlue/greenBlondeSometimesSometimesIIIGrey/brownBrownAlwaysRarelyIVBrownBlackAlwaysNever Classification in determined skin type categories influences the degree of exposure to the sun any given individual can tolerate. While the skin reacts to UV radiation by producing melanin (tanning), the eye is not equipped with similar natural protection. Regardless of your own particular skin type, it is always important to protect your eyes from UV radiation by wearing the appropriate sunglasses. The degree of absorption of ultraviolet radiation and UVA radiation in particular) by the eye's structures is highly affected by age. The capsules of the lenses of young people have a high transmission level. This means that if these eyes are not adequately protected, they are even more vulnerable to damage by UV radiation than those of adults, permitting these harmful rays to reach and possibly damage the tissue of the retina or contribute to the progression of already existing pathologies. Protecting the eyes using solar filters is therefore indispensable, especially for the youngest. Special attention must be given to all children of less than 12 years of age who have extremely transparent lens capsules that filter out only a low percentage of ultraviolet rays. People with blonde hair and blue-green eyes and particularly light skin (or albinos) have retinas with greater sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and for this reason their eyes require greater UV protection.