Francesco Bandello: diabetic maculopathy? Optimize control
Attention to risk factors: arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoke Diabetic maculopathy is the main cause of blindness among diabetic patients. Which age group is most susceptible? The question was put to Prof. Francesco Bandello, Director of the Ophthalmology Clinic at the Università Vita-Salute of San Raffaele Institute, Milan, during World Sight Day 2012, when he talked about this subject. "Diabetic maculopathy – Bandello answered – is the result of chronic microvascular damage of central retinal microcirculation. It is an accumulation of liquid (macular edema) and lipoproteins (hard exudates) in extracellular spaces. The most susceptible are adults and the elderly" What can be done to prevent it? "The best way to prevent diabetic maculopathy is to optimize the glycol metabolic control of patients and to check any other risk factors such as arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia, cigarette smoke".