A train to Mido!
The most important optical exhibition at international level is offering eye care professionals free travel to the Fair on the "Frecciarossa" train, Sunday, March 3, 2013 Constant dialog with everyone involved in the Fair and ad hoc services for its main players. These are Mido's successful strategies. After the coaches that were introduced last year to take sector operators to the Fair, this year the country's eye care professionals will have an even more structured service, A Train to Mido, a special "Frecciarossa" train has been chartered for the occasion. "Mido's great strength is the constant dialog with its main players by meeting – and sometimes even anticipating - their needs," stated Cirillo Marcolin, the president of Mido and Anfao. "Over the years, this proactive approach has enabled us to create a fair that is always new and tailor-made to meet the needs of its reference target, principally the Italian eye care professionals. At a time when the domestic market is slowing down, they are essential for the sector and will be given the possibility of personally knowing new products presented by the companies for the very first time at Mido. Based on this aim, we will inaugurate a train to mido." Mido has chartered a "Frecciarossa" train from Trenitalia for a roundtrip that will be offered to Italian eye care professionals who wish to visit the Fair. Leaving Roma-Termini on Sunday, March 3, it will stop at Florence and Bologna and, about 3 hours later, reach the station of Rho-Fiera. The train will return to the capital in the evening, with stops at the same stations. This completely free service can be booked on a dedicated website via www.mido.com. "Being chosen by MIDO as the official transport for the exhibition once again testifies to the success of the Frecciarossa, Trenitalia high-speed train," said Gianfranco Battisti, manager of the National and International Passenger Division. "By the end of 2012, about 40 million people will have traveled on our high-speed trains, thus confirming that Trenitalia is the ideal choice for moving around the country because it meets the needs of different types of travelers thanks to four different levels of service." "We are very pleased," the President of Fiera Milano, Michele Perini, said, "that the collaboration with Trenitalia that began some time ago has made further progress thanks to this initiative by Mido, which I hope other exhibitions will follow. The twelve exhibitions that will be hosted at Fiera Milano in 2013 (a number that is likely to increase as there are other interesting events in the pipeline) can count on the high-speed trains that stop at the Rho-Fiera Milano station, just a few minutes' walk from the pavilions. The Mido train is part of this context, but it goes even further: it is the first time that a fair has chartered a high-speed train for its clients. This is the kind of quality service that we hope will be an increasingly distinctive feature of the events at Fiera Milano." "Mido is the very first Italian exhibition to provide a completely free train service, a sign of the considerable attention it pays to visitors – its primary target," Marcolin continued. "It is an intelligent way to encourage people to visit the Fair because we are convinced that it is an appointment that cannot be missed by operators in the sector." So much so that the train is just one facet: when they arrive at the Fair, they will also have a dedicated reception area - the OttiClub – created specifically for Italian eye care professionals, a multifunction space for meetings with rooms for workshops, professional refresher seminars and practical tests. "Last year, in the light of a period that was anything but generous, the watchword in Italy seemed to be 'sacrifice', but I preferred one that was much more dynamic and less punitive: 'commitment'," Marcolin concluded. "Although the national and international economic situation continues to be difficult, this year I want to use a new word that is even more proactive: 'choice'. My choice has been to offer 'tools' that facilitate access to Mido and consolidate its role as a reference appointment for the segment." The many strings to Mido's bow will have yet another arrow – Frecciarossa!