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Silhouette protagonist in Los Angeles

Silhouette protagonist in Los Angeles

Sue Wong fashion showSilhouette has been reconfirmed as a main player in the international fashion scene. After New York and London, the Austrian company's eyewear took to the catwalk in showbiz capital Los Angeles, with Sanctuary, Imiation, Sue Wong and Richard Tyler. The most requested models were the ultra-new Spx Modern Art, the very latest from the house of Silhouette, retro-flavor sunglasses, part Jacqueline Kennedy and part unapproachable star, chosen by Richard Tyler, Imitation and Sue Wong.

Richard Tyler's pastel colors and creations made for the new 'diva'; Imitation with a collection high on impact and emphasized by a genuine show; Sue Wong with sought-after fabrics and maxi accessories.

Sanctuary fashion showSilhouette again, but a different choice for Sanctuary, which opted for a less aggressive look. Decidedly more graceful and imperceptible were the wraparound models from the Titan Minimal Art collection, to reinforce a look that's sometimes casual, sometimes classical or strong and aggressive, depending on the mood.
