Sight after 40: meeting in Paris
On December 12 a meeting at Paris La Défense devoted to eyesight health after the age of 40, has been organized by Asnav (Association Nationale pour l'Amélioration de la Vue) in partnership with Silmo and with the sponsorship of the French Ministry for Health, the Family and Disabled People.
Some of the topics of the meeting:
- eye aging, how the brain 'sees', demographic data on forty-year-olds;
- presbyopia, glaucoma, cataract, age-related macular degeneration, driving and eyesight;
- eyesight at work, eyesight during leisure time;
- optical equipment (glasses and contact lenses), the hazards of ultraviolet light, optical aids for hypovision, refractive surgery;
- eyesight health, the ophthalmologists' points of view.