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US, The Majority of Optical Employees Would like to Move to an Independent Practice

US, The Majority of Optical Employees Would like to Move to an Independent Practice

Nearly half of 678 optical employees who responded (46 per cent) said they would like to move to an independent practice for their next job. One fifth (20 per cent) have no preference, 13 per cent said a multiple, 9 per cent a franchise, 3 per cent an educational establishment, 6 per cent a hospital and 1 per cent a supermarket.

The majority of those working in a franchise would like to stay with a franchise; however, one could argue that a franchise is an independent. No one indicated they would like to move to a manufacturer or a distributor. Other survey findings showed that the majority of optometrists (43 per cent) already work in independent practice.

Thirty nine per cent are employed by a multiple and 9 per cent by a franchise practice. More than half dispensing opticians (51 per cent) work in independents, with 34 per cent in multiples and 11 per cent for franchises.

Last year, most optometrists, 42 per cent, were employed by multiple retailers, followed by independent practices (39 per cent) and franchises (14 per cent). Last year most dispensing opticians worked in independent practices (47 per cent), then multiple retailers (39 per cent) and franchises 10 per cent.

(Fonte: AP Biscom)
