Luxottica, De Rigo Acquisition Rumored
According to an article in the periodical, Il Mondo, Leonardo Del Vecchio is increasingly interested in De Rigo. The two companies answered 'no comment' to the rumors. The acquisition of the company would in fact allow the president of Luxottica to counter the break with Armani.
Despite being listed on Wall Street, 80% of De Rigo's capital is held by the two brothers, Ennio and Walter De Rigo, and their cooperation on any ownership involvement would therefore be necessary. But the arrival of Luxottica might well be welcomed by the brothers, on condition that the price is attractive.
In effect, the outcome and the type of business would depend on Del Vecchio's willingness to invest: there could be a strong alliance or an out-and-out acquisition followed by a merger.
(Source: Il Mondo)