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Electronic Eye: Implants in Humans within Three Years

Bouncing from the BBC's website into our national press today was the announcement of a scientific discovery that could restore sight to many blind people. In effect the news refers to implanting an electronic eye which we talked about previously. However, it has provided the opportunity to remind people that some American government scientists who are working on the project believe that implants in humans could be possible within 3 years.

The microchip in question works by stimulating the cells around the retina, which in its turn stimulates the brain cells, helping people to see again. Tests on animals have shown that the 4-mm microchip can restore sight. The microchip acts as an artificial retina and is surgically implanted in the eye. It is attached to a silicon called podimetilsiloxane (Pdms), a flexible substance that adapts itself to the curve of the retina without damaging the surrounding tissue.

Researchers at the University of California are also involved in the project and they have already tested the microchip on three dogs. They are now working with scientists from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory on the development of a microchip that can be used in humans. The project has received funds of 9 million dollars.
