Two studies aimed at safety
After the success of the Interreg V Italy-Austria 2014-2020 first call for proposals, another two studies by Certottica and Dolomiticert in the Interreg Dolomiti Live program were declared eligible and will focus on safety. Based on the fact that in recent decades the characteristics of air pollution have changed, Certottica will study an innovative device composed of eyeglasses and a filter mask designed to protect the eyes and the mucous membrane of the respiratory system from the dangers of particulates. The Fall Factor Reduction Project for users of via ferratas (mountain climbing routes) will combine the experience of Dolomiticert in endorsing protection devices, of Micado in prototyping, and the Soccorso Alpino dell’Alta Val Pusteria (Mountain Rescue of Alta Val Pusteria) for its knowledge of problems “in the field”, aimed at developing a new device oriented toward preventing accidents in mountainous regions.