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“Check your eyesight”

“Check your eyesight”

The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) and Essilor have set up a three-year partnership to increase awareness and promote regular eyesight checks that will benefit driving safety. As part of the program, "FIA Action for Road Safety", which recently added the golden rule “Check your eyesight”, the two entities will promote good vision as a cornerstone of road safety through a vast number of awareness raising campaigns. Essilor will promote the project through messages, data and analyses in support of the FIA communication on the key role vision plays in the battle against fatal road accidents. In addition, it will further increase its range of products based on drivers’ specific requirements and continue to leverage innovation to correct and protect the eyesight of the so-called "vulnerable road users" (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.).(Photo: Jean Todt, Presidente di FIA e Laurent Vacherot, Chief Operating Officer di Essilor)