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The awesome settings at MIDO 2017

The awesome settings at MIDO 2017

Again this year Francesco Pagliariccio of Studio Cavaletti + Pagliariccio, Italian television set designer and successful designer of stagings for fashion events and more, curated the settings for the worldwide leading trade fair.What kind of synergy has been established with MIDO and how has it developed over the years?Our collaboration began in 2008 and, thanks to the determination of MIDO’s internal work group to convey excitement through settings, the fair has grown also from this point of view. In addition, its huge success in terms of visitors and exhibitors is, in fact, an endorsement of the choices we made. Further confirmation comes from the nominations and awards MIDO has won for its exhibition areas: in 2013 the Fashion District was nominated for the German Design Award; also in 2013 the fair won the Exhibitionist Award, first place, for the “Staging of Special Areas” category at the Best Event Awards, a recognition it received also in 2014.Which display space sparked off the creative evolution of the various theme areas?The first setting was created for Design Lab and the development process came naturally and spontaneously because, as I said, MIDO has always believed in this approach.What principle is at the basis of space development?Our work is the outcome of years of research and every display space has been designed, conceived and constructed starting from the principle that every area should be in tune with the exhibition’s requirements regarding structure and content. All the settings are “suspended” to ensure that the architectural space does not interfere with the display spaces. From a design point of view it was more complicated, a challenge, but I think we nailed it!What are this year’s new additions?First of all, the exhibition “The Glasses Hype - Advertising & Eyewear: from medical device to icon”, which describes the history of eyewear and lenses through advertising. From the set-up viewpoint we began with the idea of creating an installation that would not be too academic or didactic but, in addition to being educational, would also be entertaining and, above all, an enlightening experience. So we decided not to use any printed graphics but to rely exclusively on video content shown by means of projections and monitors with entertaining and exciting interactions with mirrors.We also worked in the Asian Pavillon, whose design was inspired by Asian graphics and architecture, while obviously attempting to meet the practical and space requirements for that area.Where did the idea of creating the huge lens in the Lenses area come from?We started with the architectural shape of the lens itself. In the same way we have developed other settings, the project was based on the constant pursuit of architecturally simple spaces that would answer the need for space from the perspective of content but would also be spectacularly entertaining. Once again, we created a suspended structure: a simplified lens that gives, however, an unusual view because it distorts the images and has an anamorphic effect on the surrounding space. The reaction was amusement, entertainment and curiosity.How would you like MIDO’s visitors and exhibitors to describe your settings?Something marvelous created out of a simple but unique idea.So MIDO does not mean just business, but also great and unforgettable wonders?Yes, unquestionably!