The results of the Vistatour
This year, Vistatour (Vision Tour), the itinerant screening service offered free of charge by the non-profit organization CDV-Commissione Difesa Vista (Commission for Eye Health) that promotes the importance of prevention went to 9 Italian cities. Nearly 1200 people availed of its services, and an already negative trend was observed to have increased: 78% of the people in Italy neglect their eyesight care and fail to have regular check-ups. Screening data showed that 50% of the people between 40 and 65 years of age should see an ophthalmologist and 1 out of 4 should have their vision checked. A few people – primarily aged 65 or older - were advised to have their vision checked with urgency. Only one case of such urgency was recorded in the 0 to 14 year age bracket. The service was conducted in collaboration with AIMO, ANFAO, the National Association for Eyewear Manufacturers, Assogruppi Ottica - Assottica Gruppo Contattologia (Group of the Assottica association for contact lens' producers) and Federottica (National Association for Opticians and Optometry specialists).