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National Vision Leads EyeRock Fund Drive for New Eyes for the Needy

National Vision Leads EyeRock Fund Drive for New Eyes for the Needy

The lead sponsor of the upcoming EyeRock concert, National Vision, is making a holiday season appeal to others in the industry to support the annual charity show and its beneficiary, New Eyes for the Needy.   "As a part of National Vision's ongoing philanthropic efforts, we are proud to be the lead sponsor for this year's EyeRock event," said Bob Stein chief philanthropic development officer for National Vision, which is one of nation's largest optical retail chains.   "EyeRock 2015 is in support of New Eyes for the Needy as the organizer and charitable recipient. New Eyes is a great organization that lets the impact of your support get to the optically underserved in an extremely efficient manner," he said.   "We need your sponsorship and support to make this the most successful EyeRock ever," Stein told VMail. "If you have not attended previously we want to see you there, if you have been to EyeRock you know what a fun evening it is. Let's all get together and rock it out for the optically underserved."   Stein noted that National Vision is embarking on a new facet of EyeRock by reaching out to optometry students who are attending the Vision Council Student Dinner and inviting them to EyeRock as guests of National Vision. Retail giant Costco is also a major supporter of EyeRock and New Eyes for the Needy.   "We collect thousands of glasses every year for New Eyes," said Denise Mogil, Costco's U.S. optical director of professional services, who manages fundraising efforts for EyeRock. "We have very generous members that donate their used eyewear to this great cause. There are also several vendors that donate lenses and frames to the cause. I am very fortunate to be involved with New Eyes and am very excited that other retailers in the industry are also getting involved. We hope to make EyeRock even more successful this year."   The EyeRock concert will take place at The Hard Rock Café in Times Square, New York City on March 21, 2015, from 8:30 pm to 12:30 am. The concert will feature The EyeRock Band, which is comprised of musicians who work in the optical industry and who donate their time to raise funds for vision care organizations. Tickets will go on sale soon, according to New Eyes.