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X-Ide presents its new collection

X-Ide presents its new collection

The new X-Ide® collection brings emotions to all five senses. Immagine Eyewear has investigated the dimensions of fabrics and yarns: a world where past and present weaves and textures open up to continual conceptual experimentation, giving rise to wonderful creations.

“We have been captivated by the sensations that derive from the world of textiles and have discovered patterns, yarns and prints inspired by the flavor of tradition and the myriad nuances of nature”. This is how Immagine Eyewear creative director Tiziano Tabacchi described the way in which the new X-IDE® collection was developed.

“We took a close look at fabrics and the combined transparencies that create nuances. We inhaled the aroma of yarns that over time have produced an unmistakable fragrance. We listened to the rustle of raw silks, canvas, damasks and cottons. We caressed the softest wools, cashmere and yak wool. We were left with the flavor of culture that evolved in the dim and distant past. A unique and extraordinary flavor.” As a result, the models are called Gabardine, Batik, Twill, Piqué, Tulle, Cotton, Canvas, etc.
“We worked in the laboratories and combined our sense of design with the profound culture of the textile world” – Tabacchi continued – “and confirmed that the mixing of genre and experiences prompts other experiences and new creations. We continue to be curious and experimental because every object created by our culture helps business to grow and develop in a way that is both ethical and creative.”

The soul and identity of X-Ide® has never been as strong and manifest as it is in this collection: not a brand but a creative boutique based on the exchange of values and the search for excellence by a skilled and dedicated group that makes design and the Italian spirit its strong points.

