Police online with a new and original look
With evocative visual impact, eye-catching special effects, news, backstage and a more direct and interactive dialogue with consumers, police-beyounique.com has evolved and its original new version is now online. Different contents aim at creating over time a modular website with constant updating of the brand’s lifestyle messages, initiatives and different themes for interacting with visitors.
Cool, dynamic and with an “urban” appeal, police-beyounique.com maintains its Store Locator area with record-time identification of the closest outlet in every country, region and city in the world, a link to the collections to find out about new products at any time, as well as loads of info about the competition for the new face of the international Police campaign - Be YOUnique 2010 – with the chance of going backstage during shooting to find out more about the winner in an area devoted to him.
Now online with lots of other irresistible contents and a new “YOUnique moment”: an international photography competition for all Police fans, where they can send a photograph showing a unique and special moment in their life. Free your emotions and your memory and become one of the protagonists in the Police competition 2010: a unique opportunity…for unique people!