Maranello: Powerboat GPS Evolution World Champion
Giampaolo Montavoci and Marco Pennesi came in third on 60 Metamarine at the Siracusa Grand Prix, September 19, thus becoming European and World Champions in the Powerboat GPS Evolution category.
The championship race from Yalta to Siracusa included the stages of Poltu Quatu and Bacoli.
The top step of this World Championship podium was occupied by 60 Metamarine Foresti & Suardi, followed by 88 Snav Kiton Interporto Sud Europa and, in third place, 33 Furnibo.
On the occasion of this important win, a highly rewarding season was crowned by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), which presented the “Medaglia d'Oro al Valore Atletico” (gold medal for valor in athletics) to Giampaolo Montavoci.