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“If you see well, you drive better”

“If you see well, you drive better”

For some days now, “if you see well, you drive better” is the slogan that has been displayed by illuminated panels on the Italy-wide network of toll roads. Aimed at drawing drivers’ attention to the importance of having frequent eyesight checks to increase road safety, the initiative is the outcome of a collaboration between Commissione Difesa Vista and Autostrade per l’Italia that was prompted by the disturbing results of research by the Bicocca University.

The scientific study, the only one of its kind in Europe, revealed that over one-third of car drivers fall short of the minimum vision standard required for safe driving. In addition to vision acuity, which is tested when applying for a license, the experts underscore that other competences are necessary for safe driving: contrast sensitivity, binocularity and resistance to glare are just some of the aspects that are not tested currently and are essential for seeing well on the roads.

