FIAMP presents ALL ACCESSories
Today in Milan, at the Giureconsulti building, FIAMP (Federazione Italiana dell’Accessorio Moda e Persona) presented ALL ACCESSories, a new brand name that will be made available to all its partners who will take it upon themselves to develop targeted plans and projects.
ALL ACCESSories, this time International Fashion Accessories Week, is the project resulting from the synergy of 4 International Fairs, each a leader in its own section - MICAM, MIDO, MIFUR and MIPEL - that take place contemporarily at Fiera Milano in Rho – giving rise to the only week in the world that pays homage to the universe of fashion accessories. One week capable of attracting the attention of buyers as well as national and international press, as it is launched with a dedicated magazine and a series of press conferences in world fashion capitals: Milan, New York, Moscow, and Tokyo.
Giorgio Cannara, President of FIAMP for the current two-year term and President of AIMPES, defined this initiative as “a project that highlights the role of Milan as a hub of fashion and business; a project that speaks of accessories as an absolute fashion must-have, but also of the four Fairs all belonging to trade associations; a project that should continue to be supported by the very institutions that have always supports us and succeeded in making this synergy work to the advantage of everyone involved. I am speaking of course about the ICE (Foreign Trade Institute), the City of Milan, and the Chamber of Commerce. And FieraMilano, our true partner every day.”
As regards institutions, Laura La Corte, director of the Fashion System Consumer Goods Office of the Foreign Trade Institute affirmed that “ICE has always valued and sustained the integrated promotion of important “Made in Italy” sectors. The salons that have given rise to the ALL ACCESS project are international, but are also the fruit of trade associations that represent businesses capable of a savoir-faire that the entire world envies. Like ICE and like the Italian government, our objective is to promote companies and boost consumption: this project does just that, and it does so on an international scale”.
The General Secretary and Director of Promos, Pier Andrea Chevallard, spoke on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, emphasising that “MICAM, MIDO, MIFUR and MIPEL represent an important building block in the Milano Fashion City project. A territorial marketing project that was conceived and developed by our institution to promote leading sectors, like that of fashion, and more generally promote Milan's strong points through different and complementary actors who share the capacity to represent the best of Italian manufacturing, industry, and creativity. This is the ultimate example of system integration, which has always been a strategic objective of the Milan Chamber of Commerce.”