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CME updating no longer mandatory for Optical optometrists

CME updating no longer mandatory for Optical optometrists

The decision by the National Commission for Continuing Education has been made official by the Ministry of Health. During the meeting of 14 July 14 2010, the Commission excluded practitioners of the “auxiliary arts of health professions”, which include optometrists, from mandatory CME updating. Federottica president Giulio Velati took a firm stance.
“The letter from the National Agency for Regional Health Services (AGENAS) concerning the decision not to make continuing education mandatory for optical optometrists also leads to consequences for our profession.

This decision requires that we think aloud.
Should training, updating and, in particular, Continuing Medical Education, not be the jewel in the crown of the public administration that aims to create the conditions for providing its citizens with the best public service?

If this is the case, we maintain that the exclusion of practitioners of the “auxiliary arts of medical professions” – as Italian optical optometrists are still erroneously considered - from mandatory professional updating is a decision that is both superficial and irresponsible.
It is an obligation that has always been accepted and meticulously implemented by our profession since it is fully aware of its importance for providing the public with a professional contribution that is continually improved.
The decision damages professionals who every day are in the front line for providing a public service to the benefit of eyesight wellbeing.

With this awareness and the required determination, Federottica and the entire optical world are taking the necessary steps to ensure the rightful reinstatement of the characteristics that fully entitled our work to be included within the profession of healthcare providers”.


