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Boss Orange: funky contest on Facebook

Boss Orange: funky contest on Facebook

Boss Orange eyewear is proud to present, on Facebook, the contest dedicated to the new collection. “Bless the boring see it funky ” is held from October 22nd to December 10th and invites the participants to spot the most boring areas of their city to suggest how to step in to make them funky.

The participants of the contest, active in France, Germany, Italy and Spain, can shoot a picture of a boring place, submit it to the Boss Orange Official Fan Page on Facebook and have it voted by the community. Every week, the top rated "boring" images will win the Boss Orange glasses matched with the picture, and the winner images will be ‘made funky’ and displayed on a gallery of the contest.
From the final shortlist a jury will pick 4 super-winners that will receive an amazing weekend for two in Berlin, to visit the BOSS Stores.

The concept on which the contest relies on is the one reflected by the launching campaign. The claim, “Bless the boring see it funky “ is a manifesto that invites the audience to embrace a new point of view about boredom and to actively intervene in the city. Boredom acquires a whole new value by becoming an opportunity to create.

The new Boss Orange eyewear collection reflects the young and fashionable spirit of the brand, in line with the most innovative design trends. With a contemporary attitude and a carefree “urban inspiration”, the collection is appealing with its young and metropolitan look in a crossover of styles, distinguished by captivating colors and distinctive details.

