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Safilo celebrates the Cortina Scoiattoli

Safilo celebrates the Cortina Scoiattoli

Vittorio Tabacchi meets the protagonists of the K2 conquest'>It was a special day for <a class=Safilo yesterday when it received the Scoiattoli di Cortina (Cortina Squirrels). Safilo was with them on their conquest of one of the highest peaks in the world, K2, which took place last summer on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first conquest by Lino Lacedelli.

During the Lino Lacedelli expedition, Mario Lacedelli and Stefano Dibona (head of the 2004 expedition), and all the other members of team, wore the Carrera glasses and goggles produced by Safilo. During the visit, the Scoiattoli presented Safilo's Chairman, Vittorio Tabacchi, with a framed banner with the expedition logo and the Scoiattoli flag which had been signed by the members of the team.

Vittorio Tabacchi congratulated the climbers: 'It was an honor for me to have contributed to the success of the Scoiattoli's enterprise, and I share Alpine origins and a love of the mountains with them. I am delighted that our products have reached 8,000 meters with the Scoiattoli and I believe that no one better than they could have tested the technical content in such extreme conditions'.

The choice of the products most suited to the weather conditions the Scoiattoli had to contend with was made by the climbers together with the Carrera product office, and with the contribution of the doctor who accompanied the expedition. 'The glasses and goggles', Stefano Dibona explained, 'had to be able to protect our eyes not just from the sun, but also from the blizzards and winds, which are often very violent at over 8,000 meters, and from reflections from the snow, which are very strong, especially immediately after it has snowed. Even in the most critical situations our eyes were properly protected and this was essential for the success of the expedition'.

Model C2 - 8 CompThe best products proved to be the C8 sports glasses, C2 - 8 comp technical glasses, and the Kimerik Icon ski goggles, which were worn especially above 7,000 meters. The climbers were also equipped with various lenses with different specifications for the various weather conditions.

At the end of the expedition, the Scoiattoli were able to give the Carrera product office their technical assessment, which will certainly provide safe and useful know-how for future developments of products for mountain wear.
