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Made in Italy recovery on international markets

Made in Italy recovery on international markets

According to the data published by Istat, from January-September 2004 the volume of exported Italian goods and products rose by 5.3% compared to the same period 2003. Leading the growth figures were the Islands (9.7%), Center (5.8%) and Northeast (5.6%), with lower figures for the Northwest (4.7%) and the South (4.8%).

Apart from Valle d'Aosta (19.9%) and Calabria (15.4%), which have an export share equal to or lower than 0.2%, the regions with the highest figures were Friuli-Venezia Giulia (12.9%), Sardinia (11.2%) and Puglia (11%). Only Basilicata (-9.1%), Liguria (-2.6%) and Campania (-0.1%) registered downturns.

The analysis of Made in Italy outlets highlighted how the Northwest's exports (+4.7%) were mainly to countries outside the European Union. The highest positive variations concerned Russia, China, Turkey and the Mercosur countries; downturns were registered for the United States. Major contributions to the growth in exports to the EU came from Spain, France and Germany, but there was a falloff to the United Kingdom.

The Northeast's increase in exports was particularly encouraged by the considerable growth in direct flows to countries outside the EU (10.5%), especially to Turkey, Russia, Efta and Opec countries. Exports to Europe grew mainly in Spain and the United Kingdom.

The Center's (5.8%) healthy trend was influenced by growth in direct flows to countries outside the EU (12.4%) and was higher than to other areas. Specifically, there were considerable increases in flows to Efta countries, Russia, China, Turkey and Mercosur countries.

Southern Italy and the Islands registered the best results in terms of variations in exports (6.2%). Consistent with the general picture, growth concerned flows outside the EU (9.2%) more than the EU (4.3%) itself; compared to the other areas, however, the South had the highest growth in exports to European countries. In the EU area, sales increased especially in the United Kingdom, but the percentage was lower in Spain and France; outside Europe, there were significant increases to Turkey, China and other countries, but a downturn for Eda and Efta countries and the Usa.

(Source: Mia Economia)
