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The path for the sustainability

MIDO's effort in a multi-year program

MIDO, as a great international event, has a very high responsability in terms of environmental impact. For this reason it's particularly sensible to all those activities capable of containing the consequences that the realization of an exhibition of this entity can have on the environment annd the community. The events that, like MIDO, foresee the partecipation of many people generate in fact a consistent environmental and social impact: trying to reduce it isn't only an opportunity but a duty, as like increasing exhibitors, providers and visitors awareness, sensibilizing and transforming them into sustainability ambassadors.


For these reasons, MIDO has decided to undertake various actions that doesn't concern solely the exhibition itself but also care about minimizing the consequentions of the exhibition in general, involving stakeholders, all the team and the collaborators to share the path towards the ISO 20121:2012 certification that attests the sustainable management of great events.



ISO 20121 certification has been obtained thanks to numerous initiatives such as:
  • for exhibitors, Stand up for Green, which rewards the stand that is most attentive to sustainability and CSE Certified Sustainable Eyewear which instead evaluates frames, lenses and cases that are also made in accordance with the principles of sustainability. The winners of each edition are announced during the show;
  • for visitors, free transportation: Trains from Naples, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Ancona, Venice, Turin, shuttles to the airports, trade fair and city center, free buses for optical schools;
  • for professionals, events on sustainability at the Vision Stage – Pav.1 (here is the complete program);
  • for the public, throughout the year, MIDO supports the activities of CDV ETS (free eye screenings performed by ophthalmologists and opticians in several Italian cities and schools).


2023 Maintained the ISO 20121 certification, which ensures the sustainable management of large events with Bureau Veritas Italia, and the certification with ISF CERT according to the ISO 25639 standard for the certification of statistical data of the trade fair.


Continuation of ISO 20121 certification, that attests the sustainable sustainability management of big events with Bureau Veritas Italia, and the one with ISF CERT according to ISO 25639 norm for the certification on staistical data of the trade fair event.


Obtainment of ISO 20121 certifications, that attests the sustainable sustainability management of big events with Bureau Veritas Italia, and the one with ISF CERT according to ISO 25639 norm for the certification on staistical data of the trade fair event.


MIDO 2021 | Digital Edition was the first virtual event to be certified through a strict inspection verification ISF CERT, in order to guarantee the correct, uniform and transparent measurement of data useful to represent the "dimensions" of the virtual trade fair event, like the physical one. It has then obtained the ISO 20121 certification for sustainability with Bureau Veritas Italy (quality, enviroment, health, safety and social responsibility risk assessment and analysis).


Sustainability and business transparency-oriented path undertaken; activation of Plastic Free policies and the ones aimed to reduce water, paper, food and energy waste. Approvation of the Ethical Code and the Conduct Code.


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