MIDO: in support of eyewear industry

Scritto da MIDO | 10/11/2022

Two years ago Angelo Trocchia took the helm of Safilo Group. We talked to him about how the fair contributed to the growth of his company.

When you took part in the first MIDO, you were a family-run business that then became a multinational: what has MIDO meant for your company?

MIDO has always been an important time for discussion and an opportunity to meet and talk with all of our most important contacts; primarily customers, but also partners, suppliers, friends of Safilo and the sector’s opinion leaders.

This fair has seen us grow and evolve over the years and it has always been with us and supported us on our journey.

What does MIDO mean to Safilo at this time?

MIDO continues to be a successful showcase and an important meeting place. We try to conceive experiences associated with the world of our brands for the fair’s visitors.

For us, that is the goal: not simply to showcase our products, but to enable the universe of the brand to be experienced by fully conveying the values and contents of each brand.

At the same time, MIDO is a place where we can talk with and listen to our customers’ needs, the core of our strategies for creating a rapport that is increasingly closer and direct, that will transform our service into a true relationship of care and attention.

What are your expectations from the 50th edition?

We have planned numerous activities and a packed calendar of events that we hope will also help MIDO to celebrate this important anniversary.