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Waiting for the DaTE: Archiproject.

Waiting for the DaTE: Archiproject.

DaTE, the international fair for avant-garde eyewear, will take place from Saturday 11th to Monday 13th September in Florence, at the Leopolda station. The event aims to be a strategic meeting opportunity, attracting companies which are known worldwide for their eyewear innovation and design, for their exclusive and selected products.

As the ninth edition of DaTE approaches, we have interviewed some of the key players.

In this interview we meet Stefano Cornali from Archiproject.

Shaping the avant-garde is the essence of DaTE. What form has your brand taken and how does it interpret the avant-garde?

AchiProject focuses on accessories revolving around the world of eyewear, which can make a pair of glasses both more useful and more contemporary. Achi Staffa Portaocchiali (glasses stand) is a product created to respond to a demand, an unconventional and inspired way to resolve a small yet important problem – losing glasses. A product/service that satisfies an everyday need.

Exclusivity, transgression, design. These are all concepts that have distinguished DaTE since its founding. Which of these features does your brand most identify with, and why?

Achi bases its aesthetics on beauty and innovation, putting emphasis on Made-In-Italy quality. Constant research in terms of the materials, design and craftsmanship that can bring our ideas to fruition, has allowed us to create a clean break with the past, bringing a breath of fresh air into the industry of eyewear accessories, which is in need of innovation after years of being locked in stalemate.
