Waiting for DaTE 2023: Blackfin

Written by MIDO | 08/24/2023

On Saturday 9 and 10 September at the Stazione Leopolda of Florence, there will be the 11th edition of DaTE, where avantgarde eyewear will be revealed with its most innovative features. Many of the most creative designers will present their proposals, where inspiration and experimentation unite in futuristic visions.

While waiting for DaTE, we have interviewed some of the key players.

Today we meet Nicola Del Din, CEO and President of Blackfin.

What is your concept of creativity?

For Blackfin, creativity is a balance between aesthetics and functionality, a pairing of art and engineering. We believe in an accessible creativity that produces wearable designs, avoiding over-the-top excesses. Colour, the distinctive feature of our brand, is the life-blood that nourishes our innovative soul without ever neglecting the importance of quality and substance. For us, creativity is the ability to combine these elements in a unique way, to create glasses that are not merely an accessory but an extension of one’s own identity.

What vision do you want to bring to DaTE? Why have you chosen this fair again?

We return to DaTE for its perfect time and geographic synchronisation with the needs of the Italian optical industry. In this 2023 edition, Blackfin offers undeniable company experience with clearly-defined product groups, characterised by distinctive looks and styles. In particular, we will present new bold products in the Atlantic series, which represent a technological/aesthetic innovation never before seen on the market. DaTE is our showcase for these innovations and the clear vision that Blackfin has of its future.

How will you communicate your design strategy at DaTE?

At DaTE, Blackfin will tell the story of its roadmap, through a tangible and sensorial trip into its design world. The products themselves will be the protagonists, clearly expressing our creative strategy. Our glasses, with their distinctive design, range in styles: from the ultralight to bold looks, with titanium as the key element and colour as the distinctive feature that embodies the spirit of Blackfin. Our latest communication campaigns concentrate on the product, highlighting our efforts to make this centrestage, and awarding it the attention it deserves. Each pair of glasses tells a unique story, a fusion of innovation, style and tradition, which will be clearly perceived by all visitors to DaTE.