Ultra Limited partners with IED Turin

Written by MIDO | 03/21/2019
Ultra Limited recently announced a partnership with IED (European Institute of Design) in Turin. The partnership is a competition dedicated to 31 students in the Packaging course, who will be asked to come up with their own interpretation of the Ultra Limited brand and its visual identity.After introductory lessons on the brand’s history and product philosophy, the students will be divided into ten working groups, each of which will develop three packaging and visual merchandising proposals for the new Ultra Limited collections. Their projects will be presented during the final course exams in June and the winning project’s concept will form the basis for the Ultra Limited 2019-20 POP promotional tools and marketing campaign. The projects will be assessed on their ability to combine innovation and inspiration based on the brand’s strengths, as well as their actual feasibility. According to Tommaso Poltrone, Ultra Limited Co-CEO and Marketing and Export Manager: “We are excited about this project and are positive the competition will afford us and the students a unique opportunity. Ultra Limited is synonymous with creativity, experimentation and exploration: through this initiative, we want to look at new options and be open to the infinite source of fresh ideas and originality that the young design students have to offer”.