The winning formula

Written by MIDO | 05/08/2019

Nau! is a top Italian brand of eyeglasses with single brand stores throughout Italy and the world. The company is based in Castiglione Olona (Varese) and currently boasts a distribution network of 170 stores, between proprietary and franchise, in Italy, Spain, India, Iran, Malta, Mexico, Estonia, Egypt, Arab Emirates and Turkey. It employs more than 800 people.
Monica Salvestrin, Creative director of the company, tells us what makes her stores so successful.

How and when did the Nau! journey begin?
In December 2005. In the first two years, we tried our formula in different locations: in historic centres, shopping malls, stations.. We took off in 2007, having understood that our formula worked. Now we have 170 stores in 9 countries worldwide and are working on taking our brand all over the globe. Our brand still features exclusivity and uniqueness that can be exported anywhere.
Our formula is based on precise key elements, which renew and shape themselves to meet the needs of the contemporary nature of the market.

What are they?
I will list the key ones, which aim at creating a positive shopping experience. First, we work with great artisan passion, we craft eyeglasses; we have inherited an ancient art but we are pioneers of the future.
Another element is definitely the colour and joy combination: eyeglasses must not be experienced as a medical device but as an accessory to make the wearer feel good. Our mission is to bring beauty and free all the positive value of eyeglasses.
Another key element is the Italian style, which is appreciated worldwide.
Visual wellness is also essential: the people who choose us appreciate the technical skills inside our stores.
The “easy price” is also very important: our prices must be easy to understand and easy to pay. The last element is sustainability: every year we invest 10% of the profits in projects to protect the environment and in favour of people in need.
For us, it is essential that the shopping experience we offer be studded with streamlined, easy, effective, timely and digital services.

Your organisation includes both franchise and proprietary stores. What is the situation with your stores?
65% of our stores are proprietary and the rest are franchise. We have few affiliates but they have many stores. This says a lot about our formula!

What are your distribution strategies for the future?
We want to continue our development worldwide. We will remain set on this formula.

What markets are you aiming at?
We are working on the Middle Eastern Basin, where we have signed an agreement with Magrabi. When we open in foreign markets, we always try to find a local partner. We have situations open all over the world… we are slowing down our openings because we do not want to put up flags but achieve our formula.

What is your opinion on the 2019 edition of MIDO?
I enjoyed it, I always do. I found it interesting. Definitely an animated edition, and I finally saw digital reality materialise itself. We are already thinking about our next participation for the upcoming future.