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The shots of Parinya Wongwannawat play Nirvan Javan.

The shots of Parinya Wongwannawat play Nirvan Javan.

Based on this exceptional year, Nirvan Javan and fashion photographer Parinya Wongwannawat created a collaborative series of photographs in Zurich, reflecting a new interpretation of Nirvan Javan’s cosmopolitan identity.

A tribute to the beauty and uniqueness of the world – which begins on our very own doorstep.

The love for this worlds’ diverse cultural expression and the deep and similar understanding of beauty and style laid the foundation for the collaboration between the brand and the photographer.

As an international fashion photographer, Wongwannawat has been travelling through the world's metropolises for several years now, making him an ideal match for Nirvan Javan whose brand identity is built on cosmopolitan, dynamic values.

Future collaborations

The photoseries with Wongwannawat is the first of several planned collaborations between the brand and different inspiring personalities. They will join the brand in telling cosmopolitan stories - and thereby encourage people to see the world with their own eyes. The collaborations will be published on
