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The plastic visions of Look-Made in Italia.

The plastic visions of Look-Made in Italia.

Materials that can be moulded and transformed prove their excellence in the new LOOK-made in Italia products: over 40 years of history, continuous research and specific skills allow design frames which can be worn at any age to be created.

The experience gained by this company, which has always designed and produced its eyewear in Italy, has been transferred to models. For reasons of cross/up selling it has put the materials at the centre of attention as an emotional lever and to add value to the purchase.

In the LOOK-made in Italia Research&Development department, improvements and considerations are taken seriously - that is how the materials evolve and are tested to achieve the best performance and absolute quality.

Non-allergenic and non-toxic materials

In the plastic material category NIL (Natural Injection Light) - an advanced techno-polymer whose particles are moulded into original, balanced shapes to create ultra-lightweight glasses and EVO (EVOlution polymer) - a soft-touch material particularly indicated for children's eyewear - both stand ou

Both EVO and NIL are non-allergenic and non-toxic. Both are born in a solid state and through a process of high temperature fusion become fluid, are put into a mould, and solidify into molecular structures with an incredible overall elasticity.

All the models in NIL and EVO have a transparent supply chain as they are designed and produced entirely in Italy by LOOK-made in Italia.
